Thursday, April 30, 2009

robert mcginnis

Doco preview about femme fatale illustrator extraordinaire, responsible for many ace pulp covers to Bond and Barbarella movie posters.

pattern collection

I'm a collector and hoarder. I found some more dress patterns last week, (this spectacular 40's slip no less), and went through my collection which has seriously taken over a whole cupboard (must to the annoyance of my partner). I'm instantly drawn to the illustrations. I love the 60's dresses and try to make these, but I also love the 50's stuff which is increasingly harder to find.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

birthday cards

I've made a few over the years. I mainly forget to keep a record of them, especially pre computer days. It would be funny to look back at them. If you have some lurking around in your drawers, email them through and I'll post them. Here's some of the latest.She could take an eye out with one of those.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Monday, April 20, 2009

pretty green out takes

It seems that doing the artwork for your own band is bloody hard. This is one of the many out-takes. It's too cutesy for us but I Iike it. Basic, like our tunes.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

king trigger

A bit of trash for the morning. Anyone remember this? I've had this song in my head for years and have never seen or heard of it since Countdown days. I distinctly remember the 80's animation...ha. Gotta love Youtube. Oh and watch out for the nip slip.

tangerine dream

Channelling some 70's disco, roller bootin, boogie vibes. Boo-yah!